Building in Public

25 days from idea to MVP

Hey everyone,

This week, I started a No Code x AI Bootcamp, where I will build a functioning MVP in 25 days.

Today’s post is a quick one where I want to describe the bootcamp I enrolled in, what I’ll be doing and hold myself accountable.

Let’s get into it.

Building in Public

In the second half of 2023, I made a commitment to myself to conduct month-long sprints of the 30-for-30 challenge (30 minutes for 30 days) to build habits in parts of my life that I wanted to improve.

I first encountered the 30-for-30 concept from Sahil Bloom, whose writing I engage in religiously.

Putting it into practice is simple:

  • Choose the habit you want to build. For me, it ranged from exercising, reading and working on side projects.

  • Commit to focused effort on the habit for 30 minutes daily for 30 consecutive days.

  • Track the daily execution with a calendar. I bought a strikingly orange wall calendar where I would cross off each day that I successfully performed the habit I was working on.

The process was revolutionary, as someone struggling to consistently focus on one thing.

Not only did it ingrain these behaviours into my daily routine, but it also showed me the power of the compounding effects of small efforts consistently exerted for a meaningful amount of time.

So, when I came across the No-Code x AI Bootcamp in late December, it was a no-brainer for me to commit:

  • It perfectly aligns with the 30-for-30 concept — 30 minutes of consistent actions for 25 days.

  • At the end lies a tangible reward — a functioning MVP that can be put in front of users.

But most of all, the course focuses on an area in my life where I feel I have been lacking since I decided to do something meaningful in 2019.

And that area is execution.

Ideation Purgatory

I’ve always struggled with procrastination, indecision and over-analysis.

Even this week, the first week of the course, I feel my habitual indecisive thoughts creep in around brainstorming an idea for what I want to build.

As with most people, my ideas are aplenty, but committing to one idea to work on consistently is beyond difficult.

My habitual thought process goes something like this:

  1. I think about an idea that I’m genuinely interested in and optimistic about, and, in my head at least, I’ve cautiously committed to it.

  2. After mulling over it for a few days, I find a million reasons why each idea won’t work.

  3. I confirm my bias by seeing that there are thousands of apps already doing the same thing as most of my ideas.

  4. Which brings me back to step one.

Being stuck in ideation purgatory has not been enjoyable. It’s the perennial struggle of people who self-sabotage their endeavours, consistently taking one step forward and two steps back.

I’ve been fighting against this cycle that I’m in for years. And I’m still yet to get the best of it.

This Bootcamp is another shot at it — it puts some serious pressure on me to overcome this virtuous cycle of indecisiveness.

Committing to one idea, building it, and launching it myself have been things I’ve dreamed about for a long time.

Now, I’m going to get it done in just four weeks.

The Bootcamp

The No-Code x AI Bootcamp, organised by the great people at 100DaysOfNoCode, is an action-oriented program that requires participants to consistently “show, not tell.”

The overarching goal of the Bootcamp is to bring one’s idea to life in 25 days. They do this by educating participants in:

  • How to build products with No-Code.

  • How to make generative AI tools work for you.

  • And creating automation that puts the two together.

This all culminates in Demo Day in Week 4, when participants share their products with the rest of the course and launch it to its target audience.

I’m beyond excited for the next four weeks. But I’m nervous because I know, more than anything else, it will be a mental challenge.

That is why I’m holding myself accountable to you.

I hope to provide, at least weekly, reports on what I’m working on and share progress on how the building is going.

At the very least, you’ll be the first to know about the launch of my MVP.

A Small Ask

I have one small ask for today.

Hold me to account over the next four weeks.

  • If I haven’t given an update about the MVP here, let me know.

  • Tell me whether you love or hate the product I build.

  • Share this with your friends to up the ante.

  • Tell me how I could improve it.

If you can do that for me, I promise to build something that makes your lives better in one way or another — at the very least for entertainment value.

I’ll be in touch soon with my next update.

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Thanks for reading,

— Luca

P.S. For those who missed last week’s Sunday Space, click here.


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