The Power of Long-Term Thinking

Plus: Klarna cuts workforce for AI, Economic Growth, "Founder Mode" and much more...

Hey everyone,

I hope you’ve had a warm start to Autumn.

This is your Sunday Space, where I serve up the best ideas, tools and resources I’ve found each week as we explore the technology shaping the future.

If you find something thought-provoking, forward it to a friend.

The Power of Long-Term Thinking

Created with Midjourney

Last month, Notion (my favourite productivity tool) hit 100 million users.

They’ve been crushing it recently, relentlessly delivering user value.

But the journey from Zero to 100 million was anything but a straight line for the Notion team:




1 thousand


1 million


20 million


100 million

That’s more than 10 years to 100 million users, with 80% of them arriving in just two years!

This is the power of network effects that compound over a long time.

Just as compound interest leads to exponential growth in asset values, network effects can lead to exponential growth in a product's value as more users join.

Notion has experienced this exact type of growth over the past decade.

But the key ingredient to this type of growth, whether we’re talking about digital products or financial assets, is time.

Growth would have been stymied without giving the product enough time to build a foundation and let the network effects take hold.

The Notion team thought long term, believing growth would arrive someday if they did the right things today.

And it’s long-term thinking that will make us successful, too.

Whether you’re training for a marathon, learning a musical instrument or building a startup, you’ll only succeed by doing the right things today, believing growth will arrive in the future.

Think long-term.

1 Article

Source: FT

Thanks to AI initiatives in customer service and marketing, Klarna recently revealed plans to halve its workforce in the coming years. This shift has already resulted in a 25% cut in headcount, a 98% reduction in annual losses, and an increase in annual revenue per employee from $400,000 to $700,000.

Luca’s take: The fact that AI can drive exponential gains in such a short space of time should not come as a surprise. Klarna has been one of the few companies willing to take the leap, showing what AI can do to drive backend efficiency in the business rather than just talking about its theoretical value or releasing a generic LLM-chatbot product.

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1 Video


Notion is my second brain, personal operating system and content catalogue.

It’s the engine driving my efforts with this newsletter and my No-Code/AI product development—from brainstorming ideas and writing drafts to hosting databases and coding.

With their community-driven templates for your personal or professional goals, Notion is the canvas for your ideas to come to life.

The icing on the cake is that the Notion team ships—their AI features give your workspace intelligence and will, in turn, allow you and your team to ship faster.

The No-Code x AI Bootcamp

Stocks To Space OGs will know I completed the No-Code x AI Bootcamp earlier this year. I'm not big on courses, and I recommend even fewer.

That speaks volumes about what my friends from 100DaysOfNoCode have built. Max & Harold’s Bootcamp was a game-changer.

I’ve always been almost there. Full of ideas, yet stuck at the starting line, watching others on X/Twitter launch their products and succeed.

Then, I joined the Bootcamp. It completely changed my perspective.

I discovered the true power of building with No-Code and launched my MVP in a weekend.

I’m no longer hampered by analysis paralysis and have a roadmap of ideas and products I plan to build.

If you’re feeling stuck like I was, this Bootcamp is the way to break free.

Quote I’m Pondering

“More time between words; Less time between ideas.”

— Alex Hormozi

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Thanks for reading,

— Luca

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