Build It Up

Plus: OpenAI o1-preview, Founders in "Founder Mode," Nuclear and much more...

Hey everyone,

This is your Sunday Space, where I serve up the best ideas, tools and resources I’ve found each week as we explore the technology shaping the future.

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Build It Up

Created with Midjourney

h/t to Mark Manson for these ideas I can’t get out of my head:

Worrying is a cheap replacement for caring.

Complaining is a cheap replacement for fixing.

Outrage is a cheap replacement for supporting.

It’s easy to tear things or people down. It’s much harder to build them up.

How will this reframing aid in the challenges you’ll face this week?

1 Article

OpenAI just released a new series of AI models designed to spend more time thinking before responding. These models can reason through complex tasks and solve harder problems than previous models in science, coding, and math. ChatGPT Plus users can access the o1 models today; however, they cannot browse the web or process uploaded images or files.

Luca’s take: One small step for OpenAI, one giant leap toward AGI… To think this series of models can actively reason their way through problems with capabilities that match PhD students is plain scary. The Turing Test is well and truly a thing of the past.

Although I wasn’t annotating cell sequencing data with o1-preview, it wowed me when I used it to analyse a lengthy email crammed with data. It extracted key data even I had missed, “thought” through the problem for a minute, and then gave a perfect response.

1 Post

1 Video

Quote I’m Pondering

“Whose life do I admire that is secretly miserable?”

— Morgan Housel

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Thanks for reading,

— Luca

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